A Tribute to Richard Daniells

Members, especially those who ride open time trials, will be sad to hear of the untimely death of Richard Daniells.

Richard was cycling home to Rothwell from a CTC meet in Desborough on Tuesday and was in collision with a car on the road between Glendon and Rothwell. He was taken to Coventry Infirmary where he died later that day from his injuries.

Richard was the lynchpin of everything timetrialling in CTT South East Midlands District. He was chairman and treasurer of South East Midlands District and fulfilled the same roles for Northampton and District Cycling Association. 2020 marked his 50 years as N&DCA treasurer. He was timekeeper for most open events in South East Midlands.

He organised events locally and nationally. In 2009 he was awarded a Badge of Honour by Cycling Time Trials and he was a member of the CTT National Appeals Committee.

He will be hugely missed.

Dave Birch
(CTT South East Midland District Secretary)

[Richard's funeral was held at the Edgar Newman Chapel, Kettering Crematorium, on Tuesday 12th July. Richard's wife requested that his cycling friends should wear their cycling kit for the ceremony as a fitting tribute to Richard.]

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