Virtual Rides on Wednesday Evenings

20200425 Malc Karl Stelvio

In 2020 we started some Wednesday evening virtual rides, and as they were popular we will be continuing with them this year starting in November. The rides will continue through until early springtime, and will probably include a few race events in the new year.

We are planning a series of Wednesday online rides using both Zwift ( and RGT events ( On alternate Wednesdays there will be a social ride of around an hour.

Riders are all very welcome to ride along with the group or at their own pace if preferred, these will be each Wednesday at 19:00 until further notice.

The first one will be on Wednesday 3rd November with Steve Clarke leading a ride on Zwift, and then on alternate weeks it will be on RGT or Zwift. Note the RGT rides are all accessible with a free membership, although you'll need the event code that can be found on the clubs website calendar (Calendar (

Please see the relevant websites to understand the requirements of your equipment, and that should explain all you need to know..

If you have any questions please let me know, although if it's a technical question please spend a bit of time looking through the websites for help before asking, although i will aim to help if i can.

Any questions please let me know, or join the discussion on the clubs Facebook page

Regards Malc This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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