The club currently has three organised group rides that are held on Sunday mornings.


Club Runs from Helpston

Three rides start out from Helpston on Sunday mornings. All groups meet up opposite the Post Office at 9 am (9.30 in winter!). 

Ian Todd usually leads one of these rides. These are longer rides, typically between 45 to 70 miles, and include a refreshment stop. The typical pace is around 16 mph.

The second ride is usually led by Birgit Scott. Birgit's rides are slightly shorter (30-40 miles) with a coffee stop along the route. The pace is around 12 mph. 

The third ride is shorter again (20-25 miles) with a coffee stop and is led by Helen Jacklin. This ride is particularly aimed at new riders or people who have not been on a group ride before. 


Fast Training Rides from Orton

The meeting point for these rides is at the Starbucks in Orton Centre at 8.30 am for coffee and a chat before heading out. The actual rides start at 9 am. The aim of these rides is to work together as an organised group on the road. There are no stops. The typical distance is around 45 miles. The pace is 19-20 mph.


Details of all the week's rides (including a "Ride with GPS" map of the route) and any other organised rides, are circulated in advance by email to all members of the club.

If you have any queries or are interested in joining one of the rides please contact the relevant ride leader on the numbers below (start times and arrangements vary through the year so please check the details before your first ride).

Ian Todd - 07548 885748

Birgit Scott - 07974 248737

Helen Jacklin - 07761 644621

Simon Pitchford - 07792 445543


As all Covid restrictions in England have now been lifted, British Cycling have withdrawn their own specific guidance on Covid. However, on all club rides we should follow all the appropriate Government guidance in place at the time and remain vigilant in our efforts to limit the spread of Covid-19.


Electric bikes:  Club members are welcome to use electric bikes on club rides provided that their bike complies with the government rules for Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (EAPCs). If a bike meets the EAPC requirements it is classed as a normal pedal bike. This means you can ride it on cycle paths and anywhere else pedal bikes are allowed. Any electric bike that does not meet the EAPC rules is classed as a motorcycle or moped and needs to be registered and taxed. You’ll need a driving licence to ride one and you must wear a crash helmet.

If a club member or other rider was to join a club run with a modified e-bike or a bicycle with an e-bike conversion which does not conform to the legal requirements then that rider and the club would not be indemnified against third party losses under the club’s insurance. 

For this reason, Fenland Clarion can only allow legal EAPCs to be used on club runs and rides.  Individual members are responsible for checking and disclosing to the club whether their EAPC is legal. When attending a club run, please make the Ride Leader aware that you are riding an Electric bike and be ready to confirm that it complies with the EAPC rules. 

The full text of the EAPC rules can be found at: electric bike rules

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