Clarion Track Champs this weekend..
We appreciate that this is a minority interest area, but we also know that many non-racing Clarion members, love to go and watch the Clarion Track Champs, it’s indoors, warm, a nice café and you can cheer on your club mates.
The Clarion track champs has been the breeding ground for many world class cyclists, in recent years, both Adam and Simon Yates, rode our track champs, so who knows who you will be watching this year?
Of course, if you want to ride, you’ll be wanting to know how to enter. Here are the details:
Riders should be indoor velodrome accredited and experienced at riding in groups. If you have any questions, please contact the organiser Steve Clarke below:
National Clarion Track Championships
Sunday 2nd February Derby Arena 12.00-18.00hrs
Seniors: E1234 inc Juniors/Male/Female
To enter, follow this link:
Many thanks and we hope to see many of you there.
Steve Clarke
Racing Secretary – National Clarion CC
07951 666331
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Easy Fundraising

There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
1. Go to and join for free.
There are no catches or hidden charges and Fenland Clarion Cycling Club will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.
FCCC Agm reminder and agenda
Date: Monday 20 January 2020, 7.30pm
Venue: Peterborough & District Bowls Club,
19 Burton Street, Peterborough PE1 5HA
1. Minutes of previous AGM
2. Matters Arising
3. Correspondence
4. Officers reports
4.1 Chairman’s Report
4.2 Racing Secretary Report
4.3 Treasurers Report
4.4 Membership Secretary Report
4.5 Go Ride (Head Coach) Report
4.6 Social Secretary Report
4.7 Clothing Secretary Report
4.8 Press Secretary Report
4.9 Webmaster report
4.10 Runs Captain Report
4.11 Welfare Officers Report
5. Election of 2020 Officers and Committee
6. Changes to Club Rules
6.1 Criteria for eligibility to Committee and Club roles.
7. Annual conference; nominations for awards, nominations for officers and motions to conference
8. Membership feedback and views on options for the club dinner
9. Seek membership views and requests for future years regarding the club racing calendar and club runs calendar.
10. Any other business
19th January Club Runs
Sunday's Club Runs - 19th January
Please find below this week's clubs runs which all start from Helpston
9:00am Fineshade – Grounds Café (48 miles) - Ian Todd Leading
Out via Apethorpe, return via Empingham.
9:30am Ashwell - Potting Shed Café (45 miles) - Volunteer Required
Out via Stamford, Empingham & Burley on the Hill.
10.00am Market Deeping – Iron Horse Ranch House (29 miles) - Birgit Scott Leading
An easy flat route in the local area stopping at the Iron Horse Ranch House in Marketing Deeping for coffee or a bacon butty.
We hope to see some of you out on one of the above rides.
Club dinner feedback
Thanks to everyone who competed the feedback form for the dinner.
The committee are taking note of the results and they will form part of the decision making for the format and venue going forward.
17th January at the Athletics Track
This Friday we will be at The Athletic Track on Bishops Road for another youth session.
This weeks session will be split between cycling on the grass and a core exercise session with personal trainer Yvonne.
So please aim to be there ready for a 6:30 start and we finish at 7:30
Saturday ride this week
This Saturday Karl Grundy will be riding with Ethan from Northborough Village Hall for approximately 55 min whilst Jacob is doing Karate, and others are welcome to join them with details below.
We’ll be riding on the local roads around the area at an approximate pace of 12-14 mph depending on the weather and who turns up (will aim to ride at the slowest pace). The rider needs to confident and comfortable with riding on the road. Would be good to see a few out and if the rider could wear a helmet and have lights on the bike and be accompanied by a responsible adult that would be great.
The address for Northborough Village Hall is Cromwell Close, Northborough PE6 9DP. The hall is signposted. The main car park is large but parking may be busy as Karate and football will be taking place on the playing fields immediately next to the hall. There is a small overflow car park behind the hall.
May be worth finding a space on the local estate where possible if no access.
I’ll be aiming to start riding 0955 1000 at the latest and back between 1050-1055.
FCCC AGM notification 20th January 2020
The committee of Fenland Clarion Cycling Club would like to invite the membership to the club AGM to be held on 20th January.
More details of venue and timings will follow, but please keep this date free if you are able, and ensure any questions you have of the running of the club are ready for you to ask at the event.
The club is always keen to get feedback on how it's doing and is always looking for any help and support it can get.
Thanks in advance for your attendance and participation.
2020 Frostbite ten result
The event this morning certainly lived up to its name with a real hint of winter chill in the air for competitors and helpers alike.
Despite the recent levels of rain, the course was clear of fords and floods allowing a goodly number of riders to compete.
13 is the most I can remember over recent years and it was maybe the desire of the members to get out and see each other as well as get some rain free miles in that drove the participation number.
After picking up a decent haul of trophys at the clubs November prize evening, it was Simon Pitchford who started the year off with a win in 23:06 before a gaggle of riders in the 24 min bracket led by Ian Waddilove and Dave Thorold. Thomas Stegeman rounded out the top 4.
2020 Fenland Clarion CC Racing Calendar
FCCC is pleased to launch its (provisional) 2020 racing events calendar.
The committee is keen to get the list out there as soon as possible to enable you to plan when you are available to race and marshall.
You can get to the calendar from the menu above under "Racing" or if you are already on that page, clicking here.
If you have any questions about the event or what your expected contribution is please discuss with a member of the committee by phone, email or at an upcoming club night.
New years day Frostbite 10
For the New Years Day 10 we’ll be using the regular Helpston circuit and will meet up on the Heath.
Phil, you can ride (unless we get over 20 riders, then I’ll need a hand)
It’s an 11.00am start, sign on from 1030.
James Warrener Marshal (Helpston)
Steve Walters Marshal (Helpston)
Chris Shaw Holder/Pusher
Brian Charmley Marshal (Helpston)
Steve Clarke Timekeeper & Sign On
If anyone wants any club kit please let James know and he will drive over with it as opposed to cycling.
Fenland Clarion pre - Christmas club night and drinks
We are having a Pre Christmas Club Night at the Bluebell Pub, 39 High St, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9EE at 7.45pm on Wednesday 18th December. Hopefully we can get a few of us down for a drink or two and a bit of chit chat. The plan is that the ‘Ride of Two Halves’ will also finish there.
The idea is that we could make this a regular club night outside of the racing season (ie when we don’t have a regular Wednesday night Club TT) and meet up on the third Wednesday each month (moving forwards that would be 15th Jan, 19th Feb, 18th Mar.)
We hope to see you on Wednesday.
Christmas party update...
Hopefully by now most of you are aware that this Friday 13th December we will be at The Embankment Athletics Track on Bishops Road from 6:30 - 8:30 for another evenings cycling. However this week we are inviting the parents to join in for a fun based hour on the bikes, with a few games. There will also be a best dressed bike & rider competition.
For the second hour we have a couple of awards to present and there will be time to eat the food that we are taking, and some social time to end this years cycling sessions.
If you haven't already agreed to contribute with some food you can follow up the Facebook post, or just bring something suitable along, or just bring yourselves as it's the people that matter.
There will hopefully be a ride or two over the Xmas period, so keep your eye on the Facebook page, and above all have a safe and enjoyable Christmas.